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OSRS Woodcutting Boost

osrs Woodcutting boost

Woodcutting is a fundamental skill in Old School RuneScape, allowing players to gather logs, make money, and train their Firemaking or Fletching skills.

As you progress in Woodcutting, you gain access to higher-level trees, which yield more valuable resources.

In this guide, we’ll explore Woodcutting boosts, temporary level increases that grant you access to those coveted high-level trees.

Methods Used

SourceLevel BoostVisibility
Woodcutting Cape1Visible
Axeman’s folly1Visible
Mature Axeman’s folly2Visible
Dragon Axe3Visible
Infernal Axe3Visible
3rd Age Axe3Visible
Crystal Axe3Visible
Spicy Stew0 – 5Visible
Woodcutting Guild7Visible

Why Use Woodcutting Boosts?

Woodcutting boosts serve several essential purposes in OSRS:

  • Access High-Level Trees: Certain trees, like Magic trees and Redwood trees, require a specific Woodcutting level to cut. Boosts allow you to reach these requirements temporarily.
  • Quest Requirements: Some quests in the game may require a minimum Woodcutting level. A boost can help you meet these requirements without investing the time in training.
  • Achieving Milestones: Boosts are handy for achieving Woodcutting milestones, such as unlocking the Lumberjack clothing set or obtaining special logs.

Methods of Woodcutting Boosts Explained

1. Dragon Axe Special Attack

The Dragon Axe, a popular choice for Woodcutters, offers a special attack called “Ruin.” When used, this special attack provides a temporary Woodcutting boost of +3. It’s particularly useful for reaching the required level to cut Redwood trees, which require level 90 Woodcutting.

2. Spicy Stew

Spicy stew is a food item created by adding colored spices to a stew. When consumed, it provides a random Woodcutting boost that can range from -5 to +5. While it’s not the most reliable method, it can be used to meet Woodcutting level requirements in certain situations.

3. Woodcutting Cape

Players who have achieved 99 Woodcutting and own the Woodcutting skill cape can benefit from its perk. This perk grants a temporary Woodcutting boost of +1, which can be valuable for small level increments or completing tasks that require a slight boost in Woodcutting.

Popular Uses for Woodcutting Boosts

  1. Magic Trees: Magic trees require 75 Woodcutting to cut. With a +3 boost from the Dragon Axe, you can access these high-level trees and gather valuable Magic logs.
  2. Redwood Trees: Redwood trees are the highest-level trees in the game, requiring 90 Woodcutting. A +3 boost allows you to cut these majestic trees and obtain Redwood logs, known for their high value.
  3. Quest Requirements: Several quests have Woodcutting level requirements that can be met with boosts, saving you time on training.
  4. Achievements: You can use boosts to achieve specific Woodcutting milestones, such as unlocking the Lumberjack clothing set or completing achievement diaries.

Woodcutting boosts in OSRS provide a flexible way to access high-level trees and resources, meet quest requirements, and achieve significant Woodcutting milestones.

Whether you’re a seasoned Woodcutter or a beginner looking to make some extra GP, these boosts can be valuable tools in your skill repertoire.