Demon Slayer is a short free to play quest. During the quest a demon is summoned near the city of Varrock. It plans to destroy the city, its your job to stop that from happening.
Quest Requirements
- None
Items Required
- Bucket of Water
- 25 bones
- 1 coin
- 15+ combat level
- Armour and food
- Varrock teleports (Chronicle or Combat Barcelet work too)
- Fairy ring access (or a fast method of travelling to Wizards’ Tower)
Monsters to kill
- Delrith (Combat Level 27)
Guide to complete Demon Slayer
Speak with Aris in Varrock square and give her your 1 coin. You will need to use options 1-2-3-4 during the dialogue. A cutscene will then appear, be ready to make notes of the exact incantation Wally chants during the cutscene. Use the notepad on your client or computer.
After this make your way to Sir Prysin in the Varrock palace, selecting options 3-1-2-2 during the dialogue. He will then ask you to retrieve three keys to unlock access to the Silverlight weapon.
First key
Enter the north-west corner of the palace and climb two flights of stairs to speak to Captain Rovin. Select options 3-1-2-2-3-1 and he will give you a key.
Second key
Enter the kitchen on the ground floor of the palace in the north-east corner. Use your bucket of water on the drain outside of the eastern kitchen wall. Next, climb down the manhole east of the palace and follow the west path to the end. Here you will find a rusty silverlight key on the ground.
Third key
Go to the bank and withdraw 25 un-noted bones. Take them to the Wizards Tower, south of Draynor. You can get here using the fairy code D-I-S or walking from Lumbridge home teleport. Climb up the stairs and speak with Traiborn. Use options 1-3-2 during the dialogue and he will ask for 25 bones. Since you already have them with you, simply exchange the bones for the key.
Killing Delrith
Go back and speak with Sir Prysin with the three keys. After giving the keys to him he will reward you with the Silverlight. Wield the weapon and go south of Varrock, to the Dark Wizards at the southern entrance to Varrock. A cutscene will now occur.
After the cutscene, kill Delrith by right clicking and selecting banish on him. You will need to banish him by reciting the incantation. If you have forgotten or not wrote it down previously, you can speak to Aries for a reminder.
Quest Rewards
Upon completion of the Demon Slayer quest, you will receive 3 quest points and access to the Silverlight. You will also be rewarded with 5 Varrock museum kudos, which can be claimed by talking to Historian Minas.