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OSRS Bank Organization

osrs bank organization

A well-organized bank can save you time, make your gameplay more efficient, and help you find items quickly when you need them.

Here are some tips on how to organize your OSRS bank:

1. Use Tabs: Bank tabs are an excellent way to categorize your items. You can create up to 10 different tabs in your bank. Some common tabs include:

  • Herbs & Potions: Store your herbs, potions, and secondary ingredients here.
  • Food & Cooking: Keep all your food, ingredients, and cooking supplies in this tab.
  • Armor & Weapons: Store your gear, weapons, and armor in this tab.
  • Skilling Supplies: This tab can contain items like ores, logs, and other resources for skilling.
  • Quest Items: Collect quest-related items in one tab to avoid searching for them when you need them.

2. Label Tabs: Assign clear labels to your tabs to make it easy to identify what’s in each one.

3. Sort Your Tabs: Place frequently used tabs closer to the front so that you can access them more quickly.

4. Deposit All But One: In each tab, use the “Deposit All” feature to quickly tidy up your bank. However, leave one of each item type so that you can quickly see what you have.

5. Use The Search Feature: The search bar at the top of your bank allows you to find items instantly by typing their name.

6. Withdraw-X Option: When you need a specific quantity of items, use the “Withdraw-X” feature instead of withdrawing all items of that type. It saves you from re-depositing the surplus.

7. Create Placeholder Items: If you want to reserve a spot for a specific item but don’t currently have it, use placeholders by withdrawing the item and right-clicking to set it as a placeholder. It will keep a spot for that item even if you don’t have it in your bank.

8. Junk & Valuable Tabs: Some players like to have a “Junk” tab where they store items they don’t need and a “Valuables” tab where they store expensive or rare items.

9. Maintain Your Organization: Regularly clean up your bank to prevent clutter from accumulating. It can be easy to neglect as you gather more items over time.

10. Keep Track of Item Stack Sizes: Be mindful of the stack sizes for items that you frequently use or trade. It helps you manage your inventory effectively.

Organizing your OSRS bank is a personal preference, and you can customize it to suit your playstyle. The key is to make it work for you, so you can easily access the items you need while keeping things neat and tidy.