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OSRS Ammonite Crabs Guide

osrs ammonite crabs guide

Ammonite Crabs are formidable creatures that offer a fantastic training opportunity for both low and high-level players. These unique creatures can be found on Fossil Island and provide a consistent source of combat and Slayer experience. In this guide, we will delve into the various aspects of hunting and training with Ammonite Crabs.


To access Ammonite Crabs, you must first unlock Fossil Island. To do so, you’ll need to complete the “Bone Voyage” quest, which can be started by speaking to Curator Haig Halen in the Varrock Museum.

Once you’ve unlocked Fossil Island, you can access the Ammonite Crabs by using the rowboat near the barge on the western side of the island. The boat will take you to the Crabclaw Caves, where you’ll find clusters of Ammonite Crabs.

Gear Setup

osrs melee setup for ammonite crabs