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OSRS 1-99 Hunter Guide

osrs hunter guide

Reaching 99 Hunter in OSRS is no small feat, but with dedication and the right strategies, you can make it a reality. Hunter is a unique skill that allows players to catch various creatures and gather valuable resources. This guide will take you through the journey from level 1 to 99 Hunter, providing tips, methods, and essential information to make your training efficient and enjoyable.

Starting Out: Levels 1-9

To begin your Hunter journey, head to the Hunter tutor found just south of the Feldip Hills. Here, you’ll receive a noose wand to start your training. The initial levels are relatively quick to achieve:

Level 1-9: Bird Snares

  • Bird snares are your primary training method during these levels.
  • Catch Crimson Swifts at level 1 and move on to Tropical Wagtails at level 7.
  • These creatures are found in the Feldip Hills area, just south of the Hunter tutor.

Getting Serious: Levels 9-29

Once you’ve reached level 9, you can start using box traps, which offer improved experience rates. During this phase, your focus should be on:

Level 9-29: Box Traps

  • Catching Copper Longtails from level 9-19.
  • Transition to Ruby Harvests from level 19-29.
  • Both of these creatures can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter area.

Exploring New Methods: Levels 29-53

Upon reaching level 29, you can hunt swamp lizards. This method offers decent experience rates and is a good way to change things up. Here’s what you need to know:

Level 29-53: Swamp Lizards

Optimizing Your Training: Levels 53-99

From level 53 onwards, you have several efficient training methods to choose from. The choice depends on your preferences and goals.

Level 53-99: Chinchompas

  • Red Chinchompas are one of the most popular methods for training Hunter in OSRS.
  • Hunt them in the Wilderness at the Red Chinchompa hunting ground (level 32-34 Wilderness).
  • This method offers excellent experience rates, but it comes with the risk of player killers in the Wilderness.

Level 63-99: Falconry

Level 67-99: Black Chinchompas

Level 73-99: Herbiboar

  • Herbiboar is a more relaxed and profitable training method.
  • Located on Fossil Island, you can hunt Herbiboars to obtain fossils and herbs.
  • While slower than some other methods, it offers an excellent source of secondary Herblore ingredients.